Posts Tagged ‘conspiracy


Putting a Name to a Face

As I mentioned earlier, my father left me a bundle of papers when he died. Aside from the Diary of A. Denson, there were a number of handwritten receipts, some old postcards, clipped newspaper articles, obituaries, and a handful of loose photographs. The majority of these had no date or identifying information. One picture however was wrapped in a letter that had been folded and unfolded so many times that it fell to pieces when I opened it. The photo showed a young cadet standing at-ease.

possible photo of A. Denson
The reassembled letter read:

“Isabel my darling, I wish you the best that life can bring. I cannot however remain to live it with you. The summons cannot be refused. I will always cherish my time at Bellingham. Give my love to Joseph and remember all that I’ve told you. If you should fear or want for anything, contact E. in Norfolk. He will know what to do. The struggle against Tenebris transcends all else; God preserve us. Yours until we meet again, Asa”

I searched through the bundle again, but the letter’s envelope was missing and with it any address, stamps, or post dates. While looking for answers, I had only stumbled onto more questions. Who was Isabel? Were Asa and A. Denson the same person? Was the photograph taken long before the letter was written, and if so why would Asa have taken it with him? What was Tenebris? Who summoned him?

I opened the diary again and compared the handwriting; it looked identical. The photo of the uniformed man postdated the Civil War by decades, yet young Asa appeared to be in his prime. How was this possible? Could he have been a son, a grandson? Could the diary have been handed down within the family? I decided to look deeper.


Anonymity in Numbers

I don’t expect anyone to find this before I’m gone. I don’t know when that will happen, but with every word I publish here the time draws nearer. Before I’m taken, I must publish what I’ve found so that others can take my research and expand upon it. The things I’ve learned in the last 20 years have been earth-shattering. My view of the world and its history has been completely turned around. I don’t expect everyone to understand this. I expect most will dismiss these findings as paranoid ravings, another victim of defunded mental health care. This isn’t for them. This is for you, the people looking for the truth. I’m posting this under an assumed name, of course. I don’t want to make it easy. It won’t matter. It won’t matter at all. If this blog goes dormant (or worse: disappears), just know that I found the safest place I could find and it didn’t matter.

In 1883, the secret was almost revealed in the Sunda Strait. That was where Titan fell.

Nothing has been the same since then.

April 2024